Kenyans congratulated the well-known comedian Njugush and his wife Celestine Ndinda on the birth of their second daughter two months ago. Many people were eager to visit Celestine when she made this announcement while the baby was already one month old.

She recently shared a picture of the child for the first time on social media, making Kenyans happy. According to the photo the child appears to resembles her father Njugush especially on her body colour. She admitted outright that she has lost track of dates and times ever since giving birth.

She explained saying that the responsibilities of a mother have made her too busy to a point she doesn’t know when it’s a weekend since her child doesn’t understand and that their child is so sensitive such that if she fails to give small things she will definitely give her sleepless nights. This explains to us why Celee hasn’t been on the space for a longer time.

by: Sharonm


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