while she was 6 weeks pregnant putting their unborn child at risk.
Speaking during an interview with Mungai Eve, Mama Mshindi as she is now known shared,
“One time I had an event in the US, while on the plane my body was feeling off.
I was craving pilau, I hated the colour yellow and I did not understand what was happening to me.
I got to the US and the throwing up was crazy, my host suggested that I might be pregnant.”
Evelyn took a test and to her shock she was expectant.
Having been on the ‘waiting’ list for years her husband Agunda Bweni did not believe it when his wife told her she was heavy with child.
“At the time I was not taking supplements because they were supposed to be taken when one is around their partner.
When we got pregnant we had decided to keep it under wraps. There are testimonies you never speak about before they become ripe.
He was doubting me and told me that I was hallucinating. But when I was coming back from the US I found him waiting for me at the airport.“
Evelyn Wanjiru with her husband Agunda Bweni
Adding, “One time we travelled to the US and I got sick with Hyperemesis gravidarum. (This is a medical term for severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.)
I was rushed to the hospital in America and it was very tough for me, we decided to just come to Kenya and relax.”
Evelyn says once they got to Kenya they visited a local doctor but they were not ready for the news he gave them.
“We went to the doctor and said my cervix was opening and I was losing the baby so I was given bed rest. At the time I was preparing for my live recording.
We were very shocked but my husband prayed and talked to the baby and told him to stay still.
It was a tough journey but I was happy that I was pregnant. I stayed indoors for almost 8 months.“
The new mum praised her husband for having stayed with her for 10 years even when she couldn’t conceive.
“In the labour ward, he was there. He was the one who saw the baby before I did. I thank him for sticking by me.
He has always been there, he has always protected me. He is an African man and could have gotten other options.
For him to stay with me all these years, that is a very patient man and for that I honour him.”
Evelyn says her baby was given the name Mshindi by her father-in-law before he passed away.
At the time she was not pleased because she wanted modern names such as Jayden and Ryan but she chose to respect the old man’s wishes.
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