A man was very overjoyed to tell Maina Kageni on Wednesday March 23 that he is in debt over financing the lifestyles of five women.
He bragged that he doesn’t mind loans just to make his many women happy.
‘Maina they say that for every dead Luo man, 15 women will be homeless’
He amused Maina and explained that Kenyan men pay rent, do shopping and provide money for salon visits because it makes them feel good. He also added men want to be praised for this. ‘ Do you know the ratio of Kenyan men to women if we dint fiance what will hapoen to all the other ones?
‘I pay rent for five women I also provide for shopping, but we know for every Luo man that dies 15 women become homeless.’
He also shamed a man who doesn’t owe zany money ‘A man without a loan is like a woman’
He also added ‘We have a slogan, hatupangwiingwi. I also know there is another man paying her bills so it is distributed among men, so we know, I am ok knowing there is another paying, it is a fact, nisipate but we know’