The beef between Andrew Kibe and Kenyan celebrities he has trolled is palpable & conspicuous. There’s no hiding the fact that he is ‘wanted’ by most of them, who seek revenge for his numerous trash-talking just for views on his channel. One of those who are really after vengeance is Mungai Eve and her director boyfriend Trevor.
The two lovebirds yesterday threatened Andrew Kibe and stated that they would take action against him. Trevor purported that he’s orchestrating a plan to hurt Kibe after he lands back in the country. It may be a fist fight, who knows?
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But this is what he had to say over their predicaments;
”…Acha nikuambie plan yangu. Ile siku Kibe ataland Kenya, I swear ntakuwa arrested. Na naambia mabesthe wangu hiyo kitu wanadhani na joke… Hio ni threat. Kibe afanye chenye anaeza fanya.”
Read also; Mungai Eve And Her Boyfriend Declare War On Andrew Kibe (Video)
Andrew Kibe Responds
Upon seeing the threats, Kibe couldn’t remain oblivious. The rogue radio CEO delivered his harangue and maintained that Mungai does not value his boyfriend. One of the reasons being that she doesn’t pay attention to whatever he’s saying whenever they’re in an interview. He shared a snippet of the recent interview Mungai that was in tandem with her boyfriend.…/andrew-kibe-responds-to…/