Men come up with the craziest lies when you catch them red handed.
These lies are being shared in a viral Twitter thread
Found a bra in his suitcase and he said it’s his from when he was fat years back. He said he had saggy titties and kept it to remind him how far he’s come with his weight loss journey 💀
My friend said she found a pregnancy test but it was negative then her boyfriend said it’s his he wanted to see if it works on males too😩
We went our for supper, he started getting sick yi Ulcer. He knew I would panic and tell him to go home for his meds. He dropped me off at my place, he went to his place to drinks meds and sleep. I bumped into him at another restaurant with another chick few hrs later
He texted 2 say he fainted @church, blacked out & was rushed 2hospital. Tried calling & even went 2the hospital he was supposed 2 be at. Wasn’t picking up calls & Nowhere to be found. Turned out he proposed to a girl from his church that Saturday. Never trust 7th day Adventists!
He said his friend that works in a hotel wasn’t feeling well so he didn’t show up for work, he then covered his shift for that day in a hotel… I’m like nigga!! How would they even allow that whilst you’re not their employee😭😭😭
Said the woman I caught him cheating with is going to open a rape case against him if we don’t break up 👀😂🤣
Said he uses the earring I found to take out his sim card since he lost his ejector tool. Even said I mustn’t throw it. So I didn’t.
I forgot my face wash at his place in the bathroom,next time I asked him about it and he said he used it all cause he thought it was a shower gel. Okay fine. Haww! I then found it in his tool box when he send me to fetch him a spanner.
Found clothes in his wardrobe and him who they were for he told me that someone left them there I said okay and put them back,he kept asking me whats wrong then told me I’m giving him stress I should go home was supposed to be there for 2 weeks ☹.