Betty Kyallo announced her most recent business venture which aims to ensure you and your best friend look as elegant as you possibly can without putting too much of a strain on your pockets. But this is not about all that jazz, its about the idea behind the business venture and how you too can execute it as a side hustle and make some coin.
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You see, the former TV star is known for her sense of style and fashionable outfits so its safe to say that this is a bit of a passion project for her. Whenever she steps out, her hair is often coiffed just right and her makeup done to hide the crows feet but also her dresses and outfits are often impeccable.
Betty Kyallo seems to have realised a long time ago that one must always dress as they want to be addressed and this is down to the fact that despite your pastor’s best protestations, we as a species are visual creatures. We evolved to judge a book by its metaphorical cover because sometimes our lives and safety depended on it.
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That is why when you want to step out for a fun night, you get dolled up. When you’re going for a job interview, you get dressed in the appropriate attire and when you want to make an impression of any sort, you put on your fanciest jewellery and get dressed to the nines.
But how can you turn such a passion (if you share a passion similar Betty Kyallo’s) into a business? Well, it is not that hard when you actually set your mind to it. You see, what you first need to do is identify the source of your clothes. And there are two ways you can do that; either source for them from China or go the Gikomba route.
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And the Gikomba route is nothing short of brilliant because of the amounts of gems you are assured to find. However, it is very time consuming. You have to identify and create a relationship with wholesale dealers who bring in the clothes in bales. From there, you next have to sort out the clothes while keeping a keen eye on quality. And when all this is done, you then have to start preparing the clothes so they don’t look too rumpled and creased. Then, depending on your clientele, you might want to do some dry cleaning to remove the smell of moth balls from the clothes.