You should set up goals for a happier life
Set goals to guide your life tp achieve what you want.
Everyone has something they have set up to accomplish, and to avoid it being just a fantasy, it requires set goals.
But remebert tyo take it one step at a time and no pressure if you are not there yet.
Here’s a guide to getting there.
Find your passion – identify what you are passionate about not what you are just doing for the sake of it. The earlier the better. Make your goals when you still can, not when you cannot fulfill them. This does not mean that it could be too late for you, no matter your age, you can still make a career change.
Get out of your comfort zone – do things that keep you engaged, that needs a lot of effort. Let it be your motivator to wake up and get the courage to do the things you have always wanted to do or have always wished you could do.
Get to be social – you might wonder how this could be a goal to set up in having your desired lifestyle, yes it is. They say all work and no play makes Jacka dull boy. Relaxation is important to freshen up our minds, it is never that serious that you need to work 24/7. Rest.