The journey of finding love gets tougher each day when you are trying to find the one,
There is no perfect ‘juju’ to help you out. Good news though, there are some signs out there that could indicate you’re with the person you’re supposed to be with forever, a person that loves you enough to take you as their life partner. If you are after marriage, these signs could mean that you’ve officially found your life partner.
When you are his priority – have you ever met someone who values his job, always busy but at the same time you still get to be their priority? There you go my friend, he could be the one for you, getting a man’s attention not talking of priority is next to impossible when all he wants it to pass time with you and have nothing more serious afterward.
Talks to you often – he checks up on you every time, he is always willing to talk to you, loves listening to your stories, a day cannot pass without talking to you, this is a sign that he really loves you though this can never stand on its own since it has been known that when a man wants to use you he can keep up with this to cover up his intention.
He is your best friend – Best friends are known to share everything, this does not mean you keep him on the friends’ zone, but when your man becomes your best friend you have more than two things in the same person. Friends share laughter, tears and are always there for each other no matter what. This is when you find honesty which is the most important thing in a relationship.
When you have healthy fights – Disagreeing with your partner should not only be expected in a long-term relationship, it can be proof that you’re in a healthy relationship if you both sort out your issues in a mature way without physical fights. A partner should not always agree to everything the other proposes. Give your point of view to it. Expressing your feelings is important.
He talks about you often – it is difficult to know that he is talking about you because he cannot do that in your presence, and even if he does, it really does not prove anything. When you have a mutual friend who tells you about the positive things he says about you in your absence, then you’re one lucky lady and he may be the perfect match for you. In rare cases do men talk to their friends about a woman or a lady in their lives unless he is too serious about her?