Valentine’s day is around the corner and Kenyans can’t help but get excited.
Truth be told not everyone will bring their A-game between the sheets hence some couples will have this day end up in premium tears.
In case your man/ woman is poor between the sheets here are ‘polite’ ways to tell him/her.
Suggest trying new things
Your man/woman may be doing something you do not like. One way to help your partner improve is by suggesting trying new tactics.
You can suggest the use of toys, bondage, etc.
Suggest that he improves his diet
We all know how soft men’s egos are especially when it comes to bedroom matters.
One way to help him improve his game is by improving his diet.
This you can do by ‘secretly’ including his aphrodisiacs in his breakfast,lunch or dinner.
Include such things as nuts, greens, or powders such as Maca powders which can even be taken in smoothies.
Suggest joining a gym together
Some men under-perform in bed because of the excess weight they carry around.
One way to help your man boost his performance is by suggesting that you join a gym and lose weight.
Giving him company is a good way for you to interact as a couple. Some men walk around with bellies so big you would be forgiven for thinking they are pregnant with twins.
Let no one lie to you that an overweight man will perform well in bed.
So help your man lose the kilos and you will be smiling all the way to bed.
In case all these tricks fail, sorry girl but we can’t help.