VDJ Jones has thrown shade at Jalango saying he refused to play gengetone music yet he wants the same guys (youth) to support him.
“Jalango kept saying that gengetone itaisha, he even denied us airplay. The same guys he refused to support are the ones who will support him.
If he had supported the young guys they would have easily supported him now. The world is a circle he shouldn’t forget that, but namuombea apite.”
He also refuted claims that he has been paid to vie for the Nairobi governor seat.
Jones says that is all propaganda. Speaking during an interview with Plug TV the entertainer says all he wants is to make people’s lives better.
“I have not been paid to vie. I am doing so because I want to change people’s lives. I am not a star, so what should make me change once I become a politician. The politicians keep promising the youth jobs but you have to be a youth to understand the struggles they are going through.”