Ridiculous lies women believe about marriage
Marriage is not about the woman, but about the two – man and woman, once one walks out what are you doing there? Benjamin told about the lies women believe abut marriage.
In a short clip he hared, Mr Zulu told ‘
‘It is not the work of a woman to sustain a marriage. That has kept them so bound, ati mwanamke ni boma, ati marriage is about the woman. Is that the truth? noo, marriage is for two, if a man assumes you, disrespects you, if he abandons you no longer cares about you there is no marriage anymore, he has left you, there ss no marriage anymore it is for two once one walks out it is no more. once one walks out what are you doing there? he has pursued his happiness another direction, pursue yours in another direction.’
Zulu also added
Another lie they believe is I must stay in abuse for the sake of the children, we all know those who stayed in uhappy marriages we hated it. Did it help us, was the mother staying for us? now we would rather stay be with her alone sleeping on the floor eating basic things having to work for food you know how many children are willing to struggle with the mother, have peace and sleep? if you are staying in an abusive marriage because of children you are starting a direct generation of dysfunctional children who hate marriage, who don’t know what is love who equate love with abuse or who equate marriage with dysfunction, you’re confusing these children for many generations to come.’


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