Dating your EX or going back to your EX is something that is always frowned upon. When it happens to you, even your friends will call you names because apparently it is against the rule of thumb.
Most use the excuse of ‘he or she knows me better’ or ‘I would rather go back to my ex than start something new’ to glorify taking their exes back.
However, love is love and we cannot force anyone into loving someone whom they don’t want and if going back to their exes is the ‘ex-perience’ they want then so be it.
We asked Kenyans to help us figure out what that action of going back to your exes is called and these are the hilarious responses we received.
Kamene Goro:Madness!
Oga Obinna: Retirement benefits or Revision
Patrick Gaita: Throwback!!
Best Chance: comeback
Mburu Mungaii: Capture recapture
Kakaru: Ati kudate ex wewe ushai ona mtu amefika campus then anarudi primary
Angeline Mwikali: Malipo ya uzeeni
Cheruiyot: Moving along the ex-axis
Blackwater: Extension
Kim bonymark: Ex-perience
Fredexide: Ex foliation
Mercy Koech: ex~aggeration
Am kashee: Ex-periment
Fay Mokua: Rematch
Mimi Miriam: I don’t know what it’s called, but I’m doing it