Austin Chimano of the famous boy band Sauti Sol says he would never make his relationship public.
The mellow-voiced artiste came out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community in December last year.
Speaking in an interview with Mpasho, Chimano said his partner prefers being behind the scenes.
“That I will keep to myself. One step at a time,” he said. “If you ever find out, well and good. I keep that to myself because it involves people who don’t want to be in the limelight.”
On why he came out, Chimano said he was tired of hiding.
“It was about time, everyone has something they put in their closet,” he said.
“It might be insecurity over their body weight or their sexuality. People live in a facade because they want to present themselves in a certain way.
You live a fuller and happier life when you fall in love with yourself. By accepting your weight, your sexuality or your addiction.”
Celebrities who came out in 2021
Many of those coming out endure public ridicule but there is also immense support.
He said flaws are a stepping stone to realising what your full power is. “Everybody needs to jump out of the closet in whatever thing they are hiding. Live your life, be happy. We only have one life.”
Asked on whether his family is supportive after he came out, Chimano said, “My family is amazing. By the end of the day, if my family loves me, that’s it.”
Chimano said he does not regret coming out.
“If I miss opportunities for coming out, well and good, I am my priority,” he said.
“It is part of life and it’s what I have to bear. If I miss it, maybe it was not meant for me.”
Chimano is working on an EP that challenges toxic masculinity, prejudices and hypocrisy.
In December, he released ‘Friday Feeling’, featuring a few members from the LGBTQ community, among them Makena Njeri and transgender Letoya.
“This song is about having a good time and in my case, a good ass queer time. It’s a feeling of freedom. Do you, be extra, be alive and free! That’s ‘Friday Feeling!'”


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