A video of former lovers Alfred Mutua and Lilian Nganga hanging out at his 51st birthday Sunday August 22nd in an exclusive bash, got KOT talking. In the video below, we see Lilian seated next to Mutua having lunch while they also talk without seeming to be bitter about anything.
Why? It’s because KOT say the two show what mature people do when they end their relationship, prompting others to say how dramatic breakups are with broke people. Many termed it ‘vituko tu’.maturity after breaking up.
This led to a heated discussion that only broke people in Kenya have drama when they breakup.
Where is my ex aki????????
Yess we can all borrow a leaf from this #Happy51st
Tafuta pesa ukae na ex wako, kosa pesa na mnatokea ‘Tuko’ news kesho
pesa hainanga makasiriko mingi
Money can buy everything
Hii inaapply ukiwa na mfuko nzito tu.. not for the hoehae
Maskini wakiachana makasiriko hua full charge