There are some school fees prices that boggle the mind when it comes to what one will spend to take their child to the “it” school.
Let us not forget that any country that has massive income inequality will always have crazy discrepancies between rich and poor.
In Kenya, however, there are some schools that are really expensive for the common mwananchi. Here is a breakdown of the most expensive schools in Kenya and how much they pay;

  1. International School of Kenya (ISK)
    The International School of Kenya (ISK) has over 940 students from more than 60 countries. It is a private and non-profit school created through a joint partnership between the governments of the United States and Canada. Here’s their fee structure
    Admission fee – Ksh 40,000
    Tuition per year from Kindergarten to grade 12 ranges from Ksh 1,500,000 to Ksh 2,900,000
    Bus Fees – Ksh 190,000
  2. St Andrews Turi
    St Andrews Turi
    St Andrews Turi
    Located in Turi, location between Kericho and Nakuru, parents pay Ksh 304,000 at the reception on day one.
    Tuition boarding fee ranges from Ksh 578,000 to Ksh 730,000 per term. Fees for day scholars is between Ksh 304,000 to Ksh 475,000 per term.
  3. Brook House School
    Brook House School
    Brook House School
    The institution is located in Langata at the Bomas junction in Nairobi. It’s an independent British curriculum co-educational day and boarding school offering Early Years, preparatory and secondary schooling. Their fee structure is as follows;
    Admission fee: Ksh 45,000
    Caution money for Day students – Ksh 100,000
    Caution money for boarding students – Ksh 200,000
    Tuition fees for day students – range from Ksh 245,000 to Ksh 600, 000 per year
    Tuition fees for boarding students – range from Ksh 950,000 to Ksh 1,080,000 per year
  4. Peponi School
    Peponi School
    Peponi School
    Peponi School is an international secondary school in Ruiru, Kenya. The fee structure is as follows;
    Admission fee – Ksh 10,000
    Caution money for Kenyan residents – Ksh 275,000
    Caution money for non – Kenyan residents – Ksh 350,000
    Tuition fee for Day scholars – Ksh 696,675 per year
    Tuition fee for weekly boarders – Ksh 928,725 per year
    Tuition fee for full boarders – Ksh 983,400 per year
    BY CLASSIC 105


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