Former Machakos First lady Lilian Ng’ang’a is head over heels with how singer Juliani is cooking for her.
She is not only in love with Juliani but also with the way the singer cooks his meals.
In her Instagram, Lilian shared that she is not only a Chapati lover but more so those made from her lovely Juliani.
“I love chapos, J makes them so yum,” Lilian Ng’ang’a wrote.
This is just one of the many things that the former first lady loves about the legendary singer.
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In a past interview, Lilian said that he was attracted to Juliani’s intelligence.
“I like to call myself a thinker but when I met Juliani, it was like I had found the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. His values and mine aligned.
Just the way he looks at life, what he values, what is important to him are the same things that are important to me. For me, that is very rare.
Then now getting to know him at a personal level has confirmed to me that he is a very good person.”
The couple has been dating for months now after Lilian walked out of her long term relationship with Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua.