Our very own Makena sat down with presidential hopeful, Alfred Mutua who said part of his plans is to restore a smile on creatives’ faces.
Mutua whose love for film dates back to his ‘Cobra squad’ days says his plan is to offer a conducive environment for ‘frustratted’ creatives in Kenya.
“In every County, we will set up recording studios..let people record music and films free of charge. Right now all international films are being filmed in South Africa. In Kenya, creatives are frustrated with many procedures,” he said.
The Machakos County boss says he has tasted poverty and knows the meaning of a quality life, something he wants to offer millions of Kenyans who he feels have been shortchanged for decades.
” The issue of having only a few billionaires and millions who are poor is not good. It is time to change the narrative so that we can also live quality lives like our agemates in developed nations,” he said.
But what really made him throw his hat in the ring and run for the highest office in the land?
“I love to be in a position where I can change lives. I grew up very poor, left school because of lack of school fees…I know what it means to suffer. I later got an opportunity to go to the USA, I knew what it is to live a quality life. I feel Kenyans have been shortchanged for many years, it is our time to shine,” he explained.
Mutua officially launched his presidential bid last weekend.
Some of the key points from his much publicized manifesto include;

  1. Create 10 Million Jobs for Youths in 5 Years
  2. Ensure Smooth Business Environment to Attract Investors
  3. Double the Economy Each year by 11%
  4. Fight Corruption and Jail all Cartels
  5. Ensure Free Healthcare and Education to all
  6. lowering cost of food, internet, phone call charges and electricity.
    BY KISS 100


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