Baby Asia Brown’s mum Vera Sidika has attracted admiration after flaunting her flat tummy and curvy hips a month after delivery.
Not every woman who gives birth can achieve such a body displayed by Vera Sidika after such a short while.
More so, those who underwent Cesarian Section procedures such as Vera Sidika find it difficult to get their bodies back while still nursing their wounds.
In her post, the new mum wrote,
“Asia’s mom 1 month postpartum CS.”
While commenting on the post, some fans opined that Vera is redefining childbirth and delivery.
This is because many women step out with excess weight after childbirth. It may take months or years to lose the baby fat, but rarely does one lose it within one month.
However, others could not believe that Vera could achieve such a body a month after childbirth.
They accused Vera of holding her breath to depict the flat tummy.
Is it too soon for Vera Sidika to have a flat tummy?
Well, this I can only ask medics and our aunties back in the village who can detect a one-week pregnancy by looking at your behaviours. Haha.
But no woman should be judged by how their postpartum body looks.
It takes a healthy mind, a healthy mum and a baby to achieve a fine postpartum body.
And if one is comfortable in their sagging tummy and breasts, well and good. She is still a great mum, a beautiful one.
Some women struggle to achieve a ‘fine’ body after delivery due to medical factors, or not being in a proper state of mind to work out and regain the flat tummy.
To others, it is the stretch marks, excess weight, a sagging tummy that defines motherhood, so this does not bother them.
In Vera’s case, she shared that she has not been stressing on achieving the body – so should any new mother.


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