Omar Lali who came into the limelight for dating Keroche heiress Tecra Muigai has been the talk of the town over a viral video.
A city babe has gone viral for smelling Omar Lali. Scientists believe that our bodies are constantly radiating information—and this information leaks into the air as smells.
Well, Omar’s body scent got a damsel intoxicated.
Omar Lali filmed flirting with city woman (Video)
Days before the inquest into the death of Keroche heiress Tecra Muigai, her ex-fiance Omar Lali was filmed in a club with an unidentified city woman.
aishawanjiku_: La Le Li Lo Lu sasa chukua La na Li, kana flow?
polymantrix_interior_design: ??????? all men with cash smells good wewe kama hauna hata mkisii huezipata???
owenbrown_ke: My bags are packed ..Omar Lari our highness im coming to you ????
maggykonshens: Amesema he smells good kama mara mia. Kwani ananukia pilau??
peace_c1: Ukiwa Mjanja kuchapiwa ni siri ya ndani?.
alindabelle: She just smelled the male chromosome in him. It will go Down!
queentiyeh: He uses, hypnotic stuff from Quran to hypnotize unsuspecting women
erickomino: Bull of Lamu mwenyewe, the randy Omar Lali.
prince_cedo: Mkuu show us your ways,our ways are wicked we are at your mercy
reihaeb_: Met him today such a nice guy
ruks_pepe: Inaitwa kishada… That earthy scent got her in the clouds
franco_mixo: Show us your ways Omar ????
dwoya_gayo: Huyu mtu alipe tax sasa @kra_care
derekluve: Always hanging at the floating bar
timshizlegalitos: Pengting amejipa???
coopper_arts: madem pia hu exaggerate sana??
douglaseboletv: This proves most women can’t make better decisions or choices when it comes to men. They need men to help them vet men of substance to deal with, otherwise this is what you get….(he smells good all the time!, he is humble!, he is cute! He is such a rebel!, he has swagger! , he is good in bed!, we talk for hours on the phone and I think he is my soul mate! ) …. NONSENSE!!.
spartta001: ??wakikosana harufu itapotea kabisaa.
__oh_so_fancy: Eeeeh iyo smell ndio ina wafanya mumpende ?.