Freedom is priceless and those who live alone can attest that once you taste this fruit, there is no turning back.
Most people work hard to move out of their parents houses so as to have some room to be themselves and build themselves without being answerable to anyone.
However, some want some space so as to accommodate their rieng lifestyle and nothing else.
We decided to ask our online community to name a few advantages of living alone in Kenya and some answers are pretty hilarious.
Nancy Jelagat: Kutembea uchi.
Amina Muhammed: Kutoa sufuria moto kwa gas na Ngotha.
Jamsta Music: Unakunywa maji na jug tena unarudisha hio jug kwa vyombo safi.
Mumbi Eunice: No arguments.
Mercy Mcute: Kukulia kwa sufuria no need serve.
Val Gesare: Kama huna food,unachapa carrot yako na maji,unalala.Stress free.
Kinya Peter: An orange is usually enough for dinner.
Phinis Fab: Towel si muhimu.
Jabez: Walking naked and shitting when the door is open.