When two lovers trust each other enough to do business together they ride on high hopes of endless opportunities, until they split.
When that happens, the zeal and the drive to work together and keep the business growing quickly fades away and the biashara comes tumbling down.
Kamene says she once had a small business with her ex and her new man wasn’t happy with the sort of arrangement and she was forced to leave the relationship because the business was putting coins in her pocket.
Kamene and Jalas decided to get opinions from Kenyans on whether they would work with their exes and funny thing, some are in such arrangements and are doing really well.
One lady said; My ex has been my biggest supporter. We started a business together and at some point things didn’t work out, we agreed we can still do business without being intimate. Up to now the business is there and we have a different manager.
One caller a native of Uganda said; “We have a business together and when things did not work out we agreed to keep working together as long as we are not eating other things.”
The Parrot wrote: Nitaanzajeeee.
Huncho wrote; Yeah we move regardless.
So what’s your story? Are you in a business relationship with your ex? Should you breakup with your lover would you still do business with them?


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