Tuesday November 9, the Classic 105 morning topic was of the increasing number of students burning their schools, citing the need to break for midterm.
Maina and Kingangi weighed in asking What are the questions we need to be asking ourselves? What’s the source all this chaos?
Poor parenthood is the cause of all the dramas that are happening in our schools…I remember at our time… Ulikua unapigwa unalia, na unapigwa kwa sababu ya kupigwa unakosa kulia na pia ukilia unapigwa unyamaze..weeee…..!!! I love how we were brought up
Kuchoma shule is a sign of communication… Lakini sometimes I won’t blame students shule inakuaga jela… I remember nilipigwa back 2015 juu ya kuekelewa makosa.. Have never recovered… Nowadays kamama na kababa ndo wamachoma shule our time hungefikiria Hata… Good day maina
Sasa watoto wakija holidays wanawatch akina prison breaks, kuchoma shule na kuambia principal ati watamtext haitakua shinda,
All what I know dispiline start at home
Most of these kids are immature in their thoughts and they end up doing what hits their mind,Saizi ata ukiwauliza sababu ya kuchoma shule hawawezi wakajibu!!
Maina mi nimemaliza highschool just the other day and I can blame the parents for poor parenting ,, Hawa wanafunzi ata wakiwa Nyumbani wazazi hawana time Yao , utapata wamejaa huko clubs na wazazi hawawezi wauliza. #MainaAndKingangi