Lillian Ng’ang’a has broken the silence on the aftermath of her separation with Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua. The former ex-wife of the Governor has today, November 4, divulged that their separation wasn’t amicable as previously stated by Mutua.
She is now accusing the governor of threatening her life and s**g from her. Through her lawyer Philip Murgor, she requested Alfred Mutua to seize from threatening her life. Download More Music Was the Governor Alfred Mutua unaware that Lilian Nganga was leaving him? | Makao Bora ”I ended my relationship Alfred Mutua in early June this year. On repeated occasions and as recent as two weeks ago, I’ve seen Mr. Mutua state in print and social media that we are still friends, and our separation has been amicable. These are Mr. Mutua’s usual theatrics and lies. Mr. Mutua and I have not spoken since late August, 2021.” Lillian proceeded to disclose gruesome details on how she was rd her car by the governor from his apartment.
”On 8th September 2021, Mr. Mutua accompanied by his police bodyguard, Martin Nzinghi arrived at my apartment parking lot at Kileleshwa, Nairobi, and without my knowledge or consent and using a spare key which he had illegally obtained, drove away my personal motor vehicle KBY 186G – a car which had been fully registered in my name since 2014.
Mr. Mutua proceeded to fraudulently transfer the ownership of the car in the log book into his name, and thereafter sold the vehicle to a 3rd party. I filed a case which is pending in court so I will not comment further on it, except to ask the purchaser to be on notice that I maintain my claim to ownership.”


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