How dangerous is online dating? Countless people have shared horrific experiences about what they thought was meeting a compatible date online, and the risks involved.
But it’s not always gloom. There are those who hit it off very well with potential online dates, and we are happy for them.
online dating
Here are other reasons why it is dangerous to do online dating. Read through and decide if it’s for you:
It is easier for people to hing their real identity online because you never know them. One can pretend to be what they are not in terms of their gender and their physical appearance. They can send you photos which are not theirs. This can be a great disappointment when you know the truth especially if you had fallen for them.
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Hidden characters and behaviors
People tend to bring out their best behaviour online. At times they can send you googled messages that drive you crazy yet they are playing with your mind. One can be of best behavior to win your heart, then later reveal their dark past when you are hooked.
You have to learn that not everyone has good intentions with you. They may be psychopaths looking for victims to kill. You should avoid exchanging your photos and details with strangers because they may use them against you.
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Mutual connection
When you are in a relationship, the connection should be mutual. This helps in strengthening your bond and building your relationship. This happens when you spend most of your time together and get to know each other more.
When you are in a relationship with a person you have never met, the expectations of the person are ever high. You always expect them to be better or just as you see them online. When you meet and find the comparison differs then rejection comes in. You either reject them or you get rejected.
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You are likely going to be heartbroken when the person changes their character and behavior. People get tired of pretending and pleasing you as they were doing online and reveal their shocking true colors,


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