You should never tell your spouse or significant other some information. The future of your relationship is completely up in the air. It’s possible that you could say anything to her that you would later come to regret. The following are things you should never, ever tell her, no matter how much you love her.
1. Don’t ever tell her how many ex-girlfriends you’ve had.
This is off-limits, as she will naturally be wary of you here. While I agree that honesty is often the best policy, I also think there are costs to being too transparent at times. If you’ve dated fewer than 15 women, feel free to tell her about your ex-girlfriend.
Don’t give her any information about your financial situation.
Never forget your account number and always keep it in the back of your mind. After a marriage or significant relationship ends, many men come to regret giving their former spouse access to their financial records. Avoid such remorse by never parting with your bank account details.
Regardless of how you feel about her, never give your wife constructive criticism.
Unfortunately, not all men are perfect in this regard. Don’t tell your wife she’s fat or that she has sleep issues. If you feel the need to compliment her, try to think of something nice to say.
Avoid making disparaging remarks about your partner’s relatives at any time.
In most cases, it’s not a good idea to tell your partner that you don’t like or get along with their family members. Consider that this is her family, and that every family has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Avoid speaking ill of your partner under any circumstances.
You most likely do not sincerely adore your partner despite their many faults. Having those feelings is normal, but keeping them to yourself is usually for the best. Nobody is perfect, and you might want to point out some of the minor problems in your relationship every once in a while.
by: RealWorld