Make yourself the best sibling
Being a good sister or brother can make a huge difference in your family. Though parents act as good role models there is always that relationship between siblings that is always a key aspect of developing into a responsible and also successful person in this world. Does not matter whether you are the eldest or the smallest what matters is what good examples do you say to the rest of them.
You could start by being responsible – it is important for everyone to learn how to be responsible. It is not right to be lazy around the house always leaving all the house chores to the house help, if you have one… do good in school and emerge the best though stay humble about your grades. This would set a good example to your siblings.
Use the correct words while talking – remember if you start acting well and loved by both parents your other siblings will want to follow in your footsteps to also get their parent’s attention. Don’t fight over the attention, as the most responsible, you should know how to deal with it.
Avoid violence at all-time – siblings sometimes fight over silly issues, taking the responsibility of creating peace all the time to avoid conflicts draws you towards being the sibling of the year. Not only towards your siblings should you avoid violence but to any other person. Kids that learn about being violent from their siblings might turn up to the violent lifestyle.
Keep the respect going – this is important. Stay respectful to your parents and any other person out there even to your younger siblings. This would help a lot especially if it is coming from someone that they respect so much. Respect will become a lifelong habit.
Talk through any issues – issues are bound to arise and when they do, give your siblings a chance to speak up, listen carefully, be calm and remember to respect any decisions they make.