Solomon Sauli Mwalabila, the owner of the Sauli Luxury bus company, died on August 4, after a grisly road accident.The wealthy businessman boasted three wives and 16 children, who were scattered in different parts of Tanzania.According to the three wives, Sauli was a loving family man who took great care of his kids, and they also loved him because he always listened to them.

Tanzania: The three wives of Solomon Sauli Mwalabila have received with pain and sorrow the news that their husband is no more following a grisly road accident that occurred in Mbeya.

How did Solomon Sauli Mwalabila die? In an interview with Ayo TV, his second wife, identified as Martha Edson, shared that her husband called her on Saturday, August 4, and told her that he had travelled to Mbeya for business.

“He told me that he was travelling to Mbeya for work, but at Sheligei, he called and informed me that he was late because there had been an accident. That was the last time I heard from him,” she said.

The police later informed her that another careless driver had allegedly caused the accident that claimed her husband, and the news devastated Sauli’s three wives and 16 children. Initially, the wealthy businessman boasted four wives, but one died, and he was left with three scattered in different parts of the country.

According to Sauli’s first wife, Debora Mbwilo, she started life with him in the village, and after Sauli got money, he moved to Chunya and married a second wife.

How did Sauli’s wives react to his death? “Sadly, the second wife died while pregnant and left behind another child. I have three children with him. He never favoured anyone and always attended to our problems. We just need prayers to raise the children he left behind,” said Deborah.

For her part, Martha said she was sad that he had left many children behind. She said he was polite and worked with everyone. Saul predominantly lived with his second wife in Mbeya, while other wives lived in Chunya and in another town. According to the third wife, Ivarini Bahati, he treated them well and always gave them what they asked for.

“He used to listen to us and loved his children and his extended family. He loved all of us very much and we also loved him a lot,” she added.

Ugandan father of 115 dies In another story, Hajj Nulu Ssemakula died at Amazing Grace Health Centre in Ntunagmo town after his blood pressure went up.

Due to President Yoweri Museveni’s COVID-19 movement restrictions at the time, only 64 of his 115 children attended the burial ceremony. At least 200 of his grandchildren, six wives, several relatives and religious leaders attended the ceremony.

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