In Kithimani, Yatta, an intense argument broke out at a local market after two women clashed over a man. The incident occurred in a popular hotel where one of the women was peacefully enjoying a meal of chicken and fries. Her rival stormed in, visibly furious, and immediately confronted her, accusing her of stealing her boyfriend.

The angry woman yanked the other from her seat, sending the meal flying, and unleashed a torrent of accusations. “Why are you trying to compete with me? You’ve destroyed my relationship with your selfishness. Stay away from my boyfriend, or I’ll ruin your face. I won’t let you take him from me!” she screamed, attracting the attention of everyone in the hotel.

She further alleged that the money used to buy the meal was given to her rival by her boyfriend. The tension between the two escalated, causing a huge scene in the hotel.

The hotel management quickly intervened, trying to restore order. However, the situation only worsened as the women refused to calm down. Their loud altercation disrupted the peace, and soon, other customers began to leave, unable to enjoy their meals amidst the chaos.

With no other option, the hotel staff asked both women to leave the premises. The argument, which had started over a relationship issue, had now created a public disturbance, drawing the attention of passersby outside the hotel.

By Taifa Leo

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