A 23-year-old woman who was reportedly found in bed with a 16-year-old boy in Embakasi, Nairobi has been charged with defilement.

The woman identified as Damaris Kerubo was said to have defiled the boy between April and July this year. The prosecution told the court that Kerubo was found in the boy’s bed in his parents’ house.

The neighbour who reportedly found her had gone to get the key when they saw the scene.

In the second round, the same neighbour found Kerubo again with the boy in his house now, and that’s when he decided to report him to his parents.

The boy, however, denied being defiled when questioned by his mother. The young man who is a form 2 student later told his brother the story and asked him to apologize to his mother, as he had previously denied it in front of their mother.

In the third incident, the neighbour again told the boy’s mother that he found Kerubo again with the boy and that’s when they decided to take action to file a report with law enforcement.

However, the boy who was also interogated by the police said he was the one who seduced Kerubo and agreed to be her lover in April.

The boy said that Kerubo was a daily customer at his mother’s grocery store and that’s where he met her and seduced her and she accepted.

Kerubo denied the charges before the resident judge of the Makadara court and was released on bail of two hundred thousand shillings or a bond of the same amount.

The case will again be mentioned on August 15 and the verdict will be given on September 28th.

By Mpasho

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