Emotional neglect could be a sign that your relationship is in trouble and you need to do something to arrest the situation.
Neglect in a relationship is when one spouse feels the connection fading, and you feel you are being taken for granted and no effort is being put in your marriage.
It hp[pens to the best of us. Here are signs you are emotionally neglected:
1.They never want to talk about your day
- They intentionally refuse to argue when there is need to
- They walk away mid argument, leaving you hanging
- They shut down rather than open up
- They don’t care for intimacy anymore and comfortably sleep away
- Youu notice that they stopped being playful like before
- Your partner refuses to make eye contact during conversation, if at all their is conversation
8.Your birthday, anniversary are forgotten and other important dates - They never congratulate you for any effort made or achievements made
- They never understand why you’re upset because they are done