Why do men hold onto women they don’t want a relationship with? If you are in this situation siz, here is a list of possible reasons he may be doing so:
When you feel absolutely nothing for a person it is easier to stay in a situation. You don’t feel hurt,, and staying won’t affect the man or woman sometimes.

  1. He’s lonely and won’t be able to immediately fill the gap you will leave so he keeps you around
  2. He’s insecure and has problems making relationship decisions and he will keep you around to see if he is making the right choice.
  3. He likes sleeping with you for free
  4. He wants to keep his options open
  5. He doesn’t know what he wants
  6. He doesn’t want to be bored
  7. He doesn’t want anybody else to have you
  8. He is scared of drama
  9. He doesn’t want to ruin your friendship
  10. He wants you to pay for things
    BY CLASSIC 105


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